Monday, 24 August 2020

more pokimon

I did more pokemon today. The pokemon that i drew were
Vulpix cubone diglett lapras Meowth Mudkip litten Piplup greninja and Snorlax.

compound words

Today I did my compound words and they were really fun

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

some more handwriting

I did some more handwriting and the letter that i had to do was X

making jelly

Today i am making jelly and this is the ingredients to make it 500ml of hot water packet of jelly and a bowl and a spoon. First put the jelly in the bowl the then next have a adult to help you pour the hot water into the bowl and let your adult stir until the jelly is dissolved. Let it cool then put it in the fridge to set.the jelly that i used was Crystal jelly.

my exercise

Today i did exercise and for my exercise.  I had to do 25 star jumps 25 knee ups 5 pull ups and 5 push ups but sadly i dont know how to put the video on blogger. But it was really fun.

my picture of pokimon

One day i thought about pokimon and how cool they look and then i drawed some pokemon.
So there's Jigglypuff Pikachu ivysaur Charmander evee Squirtle and Psyduck

Sunday, 16 August 2020

my sisters birthday

To day is my sisters birthday and we made her a white chocolate cake. Me and my dad blowed up and the ballons and they said HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We also got her some flowers and the cake was made by my mum and in side the box is a lot of lollies and some wine and she is going to be twenty years old and in side of the box is a fifty dollar note.

Friday, 14 August 2020

i made the sky tower

I made the sky tower and it was awesome to make it and i had help with my mum and sister 

more handwriting

Today i did some more handwriting and the letter that i had to do was Y